Wednesday, 9 March 2016

New seasons... for fresh perspectives, the courage to change where necessary, the openness to new relationships (and many new beginnings), the readiness to say yes to God whatever that might mean.

And sometimes, grief. This time, for me, grief.

It is always devastating when a loved one, a cherished dream, or a fondly familiar reality can't go where you go. You move forward knowing that he/she/it will never catch-up with you... no matter how much you try to slow down so that you can make that parting gaze, touch, word, moment last forever. Then once it's over, you will have to work through the stages of denial and anger, bargaining and depression (as per Kubler-Ross). And keep cycling through them till you break into acceptance. And even when you accept that the good thing (and everything that stood for it) had to come to an end, you still long for it. It appears in your dreams and you wake up disappointed, the triggers of its happy memories make you cry, and you feel like nothing can quite fill up the hole it left.

Goodbye. This is a hard word. Will we ever meet again? Perhaps, never.

Jesus, help me to hold on to You. You are my only hope.

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