Friday 1 July 2011

Bladder feeling down...

Yesterday, after dinner... to my alarm and horror, the familiar symptoms came back to haunt me - frequency, urgency, terminal dysuria, bleeding in pee.

This time (having learned an expensive lesson), I did not go to the 24 hours clinic. (If I were dying, I'd go to the General Hospital, serious!) I peed out all I could pee despite the discomfort (with Ben's loving encouragement) - and went to sleep. It took me 3 bathroom visits before I could fall asleep.

In the morning, I turned up at the doctor's and she shooed me to the clinic toilet with a plastic jar to pee in. Weird - no pus cells, etc. My doctor doesn't think it's an infection this time. Anyway, this was followed by a pelvic examination - actually, my very first one (so you can imagine how nervous I was - well, at least I know what to expect now at a PAP smear). Everything looked perfectly fine. My doctor even joked that I would have a hundred children. Haha. So I got discharged with urinary antiseptics and Vitamin C.

Now I'm hoping that the spasms will stop, so that life can proceed as usual.

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