Sunday 10 June 2012

After a crazy but enjoyable Saturday...

My dear friends, Matthew and Ai Hua, are now married. T'was a simple but beautiful wedding. One of the most heart-warming ones I've ever attended. The event was indeed the fruit of much labour ~ labour of love by many friends.

Pic courtesy of M.Y
The MBTS people at the wedding. Pic courtesy of Jacqueline
 The worship team I led that afternoon...

Left to right: Wei Yen (vocalist), Leslie (bassist), Christopher (acoustic guitarist), myself and Ai Ching (vocalist)
Left to right: Ai Ching, myself, Ellen (pianist), Wei Yen, Bryan (drummer) and Christopher
I don't think I am in the position to say that I am very proud of each and everyone of them (even though I feel that way as a leader) - because I was as much a team member as any of them was. Working with them for the past month or so has been an interesting experience. Practices have been fun and fruitful, even though they were not without their challenges. Musicians and vocalists always came ready; they supported and complemented one another throughout each medley - and this made my work as a worship leader very pleasantly simple. Co-ordinating the team (since our members came from 4 different churches) has indeed taught me much patience and made me more courageous. God has again proved His grace sufficient. I have been very blessed - not just by working with these people, but also by the new relationships/friendships fostered at the end of the day.

A big thank you to all who upheld our team in prayer. Your prayers have been very, very precious - not only to us, but also the bride and bridegroom whose holy matrimony we were participating in as helpers. From where I was leading during praise-and-worship, I could hear the whole hall resounding with singing (much to my amazement) and hands were raised everywhere. The congregation was so fervently worshiping, that many times, they came in before the worship leader did (during those 1-bar rests) ~ and I had to change the arrangements spontaneously. Scary for me, haha... but the experience was still truly marvelous. The mood was set and hearts were indeed prepared for the sermon and solemnizing of marriage that followed praise-and-worship. 

God, thank You for leading us. Thank You for leading me that I could lead our team. Thank You for the work of Your Holy Spirit in the hearts of Your worshipers. It was extravagant. 

The wedding dinner was held at Copthorne Orchid Hotel @ Tanjong Bungah.

Look at my tired face... I couldn't sleep the night before worrying about everything :P

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