Wednesday 8 August 2012

Time and tide wait for no man

It's Wednesday. Can you believe it? One week ago, I dined with my best friend. It feels like it was just yesterday we did. Today, we are dining together (after work) again. Indeed, time and tide wait for no man.

Time should march on.

It is only right that it does while we are what the Bible calls "sojourners" awaiting a better Home - or there would be no beginning and no end... and Christ would never come back for us. A painful season would never end. Happy times would never end - this sounds fantabulous, doesn't it? However we will soon grow bored - at least on this side of eternity, me thinks. (A movie/story isn't that good if its happy ending isn't preceded by a conflict or two! Or if there were no tension and no resolution to be rejoiced over in the retrospect.)

Since time has to tick by and we are subjected to it, then let one constant stand - growth from strength to strength as we abide in an eternal God who "doesn't change like the shifting shadows." I'm not just referring to physical development (or I would want time to stop when I'm 21 - oh no, make it 27 because I was at my healthy-slimmest and I got married, haha) but also growth in my being, as a human made in God's image... and God is love. Abounding in this love is possible because God wills it and has broken all impossibilities through an extravagant gift He graciously gave us through Christ - righteousness unattainable in our own power as long as we live on earth. The fruit this righteousness bears in time should be evident - love abounding more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that this love would always find its expression in the wisest, kindest and most excellent acts and words. (cf. Phil 1:9-11) A love that would drive me to lay down my life for others - so that they would be drawn to the source of Life, from which love ultimately flows.

And hence, let the passing time teach me to choose love and love - so to speak.

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