Tuesday 15 March 2016

4 more sleeps to...... SINGAPORE!

I can't wait.

Yups. I am actually leaving husband, toddler et al. on a plane to the south - to spend a restful few days with God, my spiritual family in Singapore, and myself. A momcation, if you like.

I'm not sure how I will deal with a few days away from Sophie though. Or if she will handle it well (I think she would do much better than her clingy, anxious mom). Will she miss me? Or will I feel more estranged from her than ever? I am excited yet a little terrified. It is my first time away from her, you see. While I look forward to a few days of sleeping through the night (haven't done so properly since Sophie was born), I wonder if I have lost the ability to sleep through the night myself. Nocturnal vigilance has become second nature. I am now a mother.

But I could do with a retreat. I haven't gone on any in the past two years. A retreat will make me a better mother. I keep telling myself that.

When I told Sophie that I would be away, she shook her head vigorously. And pointed to herself. She wants to go with me - but nah. ':/

We have an upcoming family trip to Hong Kong in May though. If we survive that, I will make an effort to bring her on my next trip to Singapore. At least try.

May absence make the heart(s) grow fonder.

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