Thursday 24 March 2016

Back from fast-paced Singapore...

...and ironically, a restful vacation.

To my Singaporean friends whom I did not get to meet this round, I am sorry. I had 5 days, and thinking about it, it's not really that short a trip after all. However, I needed much rest and craved time on my own. Therefore, I couldn't schedule in too many meet-ups... except with my prayer partners. 

But yeah, it was a great trip. Walked a lot, read a lot (especially while on the SMRT), had many heart-to-heart talks with my closest friends, ate loads (of dessert), bonded with nature, had a little fun with church work (thanks to my dear roommate who roped me in so determinedly and desperately), and reflected on God... and life.

Sophie didn't make a big fuss over my absence. She believed that I would come back - and I did. (Then again, she is a very secure, independent little girl. It was I who missed her so much - her smell, her cheekiness, and her incessant "Mimi"-s for mummy - that I could get quite homesick.) While I was away, we Skyped, WhatsApped, took pictures of life on our respective sides... and enjoyed the break. Sophie learned to Skype-call me - and she took delight in doing so at the oddest hours of the day, much to my amusement. Anyway, I returned home to a happy, excited toddler who had grown from strength to strength.

So glad to be back in Penang.

I hope to make another trip to Singapore this year - hopefully with Sophie this time. (Yes, I am taking on a Brobdingnagian challenge obviously.)

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Yay! Look forward to seeing Sophie. That is, if you can spare the time, of course. I do understand the craving for rest. I need it a lot too. It should be fun for the little girl. She seems like a good, well-seasoned traveller. Hehe.