Friday 29 July 2011

Over hot Milo...

Couldn't sleep.

So I made my escape from beneath the sheets - into our kitchen to fix myself a cup of hot Milo. Let's hope this works.

Anyway... I was lying in bed for a while - and a thought came into my head: I can be so fickle-minded when it comes to asking God for things. If I were the blind man who was calling out to Jesus and to whom Jesus said, "What do you want Me to do for you?" - I could have had second thoughts. Um... let me think. I am blind now... I really want to see - but if I can see, I'll need to shoulder all the responsibilities of those who are not blind and can see... so I'm not sure... I'm a little confused myself. I don't know what I want Him to do for me... or rather what I am allowed to ask for. Also, He might think that I am a little too bold to ask for such a miracle - how dare I ask Him to open my blind eyes?

Then I would have just said, "Lord, just give me the things You think I need." Perhaps the story in the gospel would have been a very different one.

Thankfully, the blind man in the original story answered, "I want to see." Jesus opened his eyes and his blindness was healed!

So while still lying in bed, I was real with God. I told Him what I really wanted, even though some of the things sounded rather silly and out of place. However, nothing is too ridiculous for God - I have peace knowing that He will withhold the things that harm me and do immeasurably more than I can ask or imagine with the wishes and dreams I have entrusted to Him.

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