Thursday 21 July 2011


After waiting for what seemed like centuries (you know I'm exaggerating a little, hehe - anyway she's been busy) - an email finally came from a beloved mentor/spiritual mother. Her email made me both laugh and sober down. Coz she's funny in many ways - but more importantly... discerning, wise, thoughtful and inspiring at the same time. I aspire to be like her in many ways - her godly devotion to her family, her down-to-earth personality, her keen passion for God's ministry and her kindness to even strangers (actually her willingness to be vulnerable). So as you can imagine, the email really made my day. I'm really glad that I will be meeting up with her in less than a month's time. Praise God.

My in-laws and Xu Wen (bro-in-law's girlfriend) came to our apartment for a visit last night. It's the second time this week for my parents-in-law, who also came on Tuesday to bring me medicine and fruits. *Thankful* Although we didn't do too much but sit around and talk, time spent with them was valuable. Couldn't have done much in our cramped apartment anyway! Also, for the very first time, we sat down in a circle and prayed, haha - for my illness as well as exam results for both James and Xu Wen. So while I am still not well (as of today), I feel that it has been worth it if we could all sit down to pray together in our house. Strangely, we've never done this before - probably because we were all too paiseh (embarrassed) - and I speak especially for myself. Haha.

Cooked a pot of hearty beef soup yesterday... for dinner. Although I overcooked the meat (causing it to be a little too chewy for my liking), the soup (and whatever else that was in it) was still very good with brown rice. Mmm. Well, perhaps this will be my last pot of beef soup till I recover from cystitis. :P I think it is a little too "heaty" for my system.

Worship practice tonight.

Still praying that I will be 100% recovered soon. This is the longest bout of illness I've had so far.

1 comment:

Pig who is here super late said...

Get well soon.... :)