Monday 25 July 2011


It has been an exhausting weekend... but I promise that I still came away blessed in one way or another. Praise God. We also had guests staying over in our home - Suan Hui and Val. Although our time together was short, it was awesome to have a chance to fellowship. I am comforted that I'll be meeting Val again in August, when I am down in Singapore.

The RBC conference this year was on the topic of "Forgiveness". I know the Word did impact my heart - but unfortunately, I was being a morning-zombie having not slept much the previous night (don't know why I often cannot sleep before conferences) so as you can imagine, I was a little less attentive than I should and wanted to be. I did learn loads though... Was also inspired to release some people to God - people who have not really "sinned against" me personally... so technically, there's nothing to forgive. However, every time I thought about them, I would be filled with subtle resentment (over some things they have done and said, or the way they have hurt others - intentionally or unintentionally) which sometimes disguises itself as something else. It ain't good and healthy I know. I've decided to stop holding such grudges and will to love them instead. With God, it is possible.

Served in 3 different church services over the weekend. By Sunday's 5pm service, I was already dead tired (how in the world does pastor preach at 3 services in one day?) and looked like a wreck. However, I was glad that I went to that particular service where Pst. Meng Poo was preaching - coz it was the most relevant of all the sessions I've been to over the weekend (at least for myself). 

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