Monday, 16 January 2012

Saying goodbye to our first home...

Yeap, yeap... praise the LORD - it got sold! :)

For those of you whom have had happy memories sleeping over, chilling and doing CG at our place - we are thankful that our humble abode has been able to offer comfort, refuge and a place for fellowship/prayer/worship. Indeed, you are just as welcome to our new place as you have been to our soon-to-be-previous home.

What I truly love about our first home:

1. Its size (just perfect for a newly wedded couple - and not too difficult to clean). It was really cute and compact. We even had a nice, quiet room for guests. Evidence of its comfort - my sister fell asleep with the lights on every night, while she was staying with us. And once on the carpet in our living room too. LOL.

2. The fact that Ben and I mostly did it up ourselves. Planning, budgetting, scouting around for reasonably priced furniture, hunting down cheap sales, wall-painting, wall-papering, decorating and etc. It was fun! Aside from our wedding, it was really one of our first major projects together. God was faithful to provide for us.

3. The bittersweet memories its rooms hold for me. I stayed here alone for 3 years before we got married (that was when the walls were still a cheerful yellow color, haha). The house has indeed provided me much comfort while I burned the midnight oil doing seminary assignments, prepared for mission trips, endured my many woes, prayed, did quiet-time, dreamed, wrote, played piano and taught piano.

4. Ben and I spent the first 8-9 months of our marriage here. It will be fondly remembered as our very first love-nest. Haha.


weelyn said...

but i havent had a chance to visit it yet!! hehe...

happy to hear of God's providence.. praise God. :)

Grace Melody said...

hehee.... you are welcome to our next home!:D