Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Some plans for the New Year

1. Work on my intimacy level with God (as well as my husband, haha). Be more faithful and consistent in my daily journaling, Bible-reading, prayer-closet, etc. Also, to meet up with my prayer-partners/covenant sisters/mentors/etc more often - and to trust God for the provisions to do so.

2. Continue working on my general health (physical, mental, emotional, psychological, etc), self-image and fitness level. I also hope that I will be able to at least jog for 30 minutes non-stop by the end of the year. (Usually, I faint by 10 minutes! Hehe, you know I'm not kidding.)

3. Write a book (whether it gets published or not, I'd better finish writing it by the end of this year). Build up my portfolio slowly but surely... and not give up so easily.

4. Write more songs, even if it's just for my listening pleasure. Invest in good instrumentals and jazz music.

5. Work on my sketches and art. Get myself an easel (where can you find an easel in Penang?), good water-color, a new palette and a set of soft-haired paint brushes.

6. Cook more. Make the hubby happy! x)))

7. Go on at least one mission trip this year... in different locations (eg. urban and rural)

8. Be a good seminary student... and not avoid preaching/speaking engagements when given the opportunity xP *Major cringe* Gotta take it like a brave soldier.

9. Be more faithful with housework *sigh* God help me!

10. Develop less eccentric sleeping habits/patterns.

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