Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Busy days..

Did my theological presentation today.

Took less than 10 minutes - and Dr. Sunny was quite fine with my points - so yes, thank God for helping me. Was practically wailing and pleading God to give me wisdom yesterday. I mean, Galatians 4:1-7 is a familiar passage. By God's grace and strength, I worked very hard on it during Dr. Lawson's "Book of Galatians" course. It was my preaching passage too. (Dr. Sunny wasn't aware of it when he assigned me that exact same passage! Do you think God is trying to tell me something by having me work so hard on this passage in both courses?) However, when it comes to explaining theologically what those metaphors imply about God, salvation and the Christian life, it opens up a whole new world. An exciting but mind-blowing (I mean in the headache-inducing way) world to be unpacked. I truly struggled to unpack it. But that's the amazing thing about God's Word - it has so many facets that it can always yield fresh truths for one to ponder on.

Was supposed to do my language studies - but I am in a holiday mood now (it's a long weekend!) - so my song-writing mood returned... What happened next?

I turned emo, like the good melancholic person I am.

Came up with a song which I put up in my previous post. I assure you... that I cried while writing it. All the way. Will try to put up a simple but proper recording of it as soon as my little sister gets it onto her guitar. The recording on my phone is kinda cacat.

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