Saturday 22 September 2012


This is the way I go to school...
go to school, go to school...
This is the way I go to school...
Early in the morning.

This is the way I climb the hill...
climb the hill, climb the hill
This is the way I climb the hill...
Early in the morning.

This is the way I huff and puff...
huff and puff, huff and puff...
This is the way I huff and puff...
Early in the morning...

Sorry for being corny. Just couldn't resist. Picture courtesy of Chik Bu. I didn't know he took it ~ till it appeared on my Facebook timeline.

My daily morning routine. If I accidentally leave something in my car (which is always parked at the foot of the hill), I will have to run down during one of the breaks, grab it and run back up the hill again. Chop chop.

I am so thankful for Fridays like this one. Not just because the weekend is approaching and therefore I'll have a little more time to rest and recuperate from my icky flu (while composing my sermon). This is merely the cherry on top of a delightful cupcake. The cupcake is... that I had a lovely day. First, Ben and I met up with a good friend (Lydia Yong who was in Penang for a few days) yesterday evening... so the endorphins from our heart-to-heart talk are still flowing. Second, unexpected, unbirthday presents flowed in today - a box of banana cake from Dr. J, new facial care products from my quack skin specialist a.k.a my MIL and a new pair of sandals thanks to Parkson gift vouchers from my MIL. Ben succeeded resuscitating my phone (blogged about the disaster a few posts back); but since I like his Samsung Galaxy Mini more than my Samsung Galaxy Ace, he let me keep his phone - and so it feels like I have a new phone! Awesomeness. Third, I had a good day at school and work.

Regarding work today...

Kids can really keep me entertained (unintentionally) by their cute antics. Towards the end of our class, I let them make me their jukebox; they could choose some songs from one of the books we are using in class and make me play (sight-read) it there and then. The last song which they stumbled upon was no other than "Can-can" - so I asked them before playing it, "Do you know how to do the dance?" - which they misinterpreted as, "PLEASE do the can-can dance!" And so, there they were - the 8-year-old and 6-year-old, swinging their legs up into the air as energetically as cheerleaders and jumping in time to "Can-can". How cute is that?!? I only wish that I had taken a video of the duo.

Halfway through the song (it's only 2 pages btw), I heard someone remark breathlessly, "Wow... this is good exercise!" LOL.

Later one of the kids asked me, "Can we tell mommy that we did the Can-can dance in class?" `- to which my jaw dropped. I wasn't quite sure how to answer that question.

Will I get fired now, do you think?

Anyway, laughter aside... now, let me get back to my sermon.

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