Thursday 13 December 2012

Day out, at last!

Today ~~~ the first time I've driven out by myself in a whole week

My hubby did take me out a few times - for the operation on Friday; to the clinic on Sunday because I was in great pain (bumped into a sick Peky there); and one other evening because I wanted hot and peppery soup for my terribly flatulent stomach (it had to be FISH soup, somewhere along Weld Quay - very specific).

After being cooped up at home for that long, I was delighted to be out! DELIGHTED. I must have turned a little reckless on the road, but I think I was too happy to remember. Haha.

Since I am on leave from work - (was too sick in the beginning of the week to think of "crazy-ing" with the kids, so my boss helped me to cancel all my classes this week) - I drove to Gurney Plaza for a walk. Window-shopped. Saw dresses, shoes, bags and other pretties. Christmas promotions were everywhere. I can't begin to tell you how therapeutic everything was! (I am such a girlie girl.) Even though I couldn't afford to have it all, surveying them and thinking of how I could improvise with the stuff I already have... brought forth many happy sighs indeed. I also went for a head massage, haircut and treatment. Had a good quiet-time in my chair whilst the hairstylist was doing his stuff. Spoke to God in my heart... and He gave me such a reassuring Word that filled my heart with the most serene certainty and peace.

Some things I am very thankful for today:
~ God's healing - while I may not have 100% recovered from last week's hullabaloo, I progress a little more every day. Feeling a lot like myself again today.
~ God's provision for all my O&G consultations and even the D&C - also the nicest and most generous obstetrician I have met 
~ Peace
~ Love and support from dear friends, as always...
~ The most wonderful hubby who cooked me a pot of herbal chicken soup before he went to bed (that delicious smell emanating from the slow cooker is making me salivate).
~ Provision for the first term's school fees (2013) with some leftovers for reference books - I did not request for help and I don't think that the anonymous person who contributed reads my blog, but if he/she does, I would like him/her to know that the contribution is a tremendous blessing and gift. Thank you.

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