Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Definition: A person or thing acting or serving in place of another (n). Or a replacement.

You know, like how stevia is a substitute for sugar in health foods? It is supposed to be better for you than sugar - or so they claim. I had stevia in a hot chocolate powdered drink I once bought. I guess I wasn't too hot on stevia in hot chocolate. I hope I will never have to suffer from diabetes and switch to stevia.

Give me durians instead. Anytime.

In the past years, I have quite often felt like a substitute in many ways. An unimportant substitute of an important, significant other.

A substitute friend.
A substitute member of a certain group.
A substitute piano teacher.
A substitute musician.
A substitute minister.

The list could go on. And on. And on. *Here, I am hearing the introduction of Titanic's theme song in my head.* (Good thing I've never felt like a substitute wife though.)

Perhaps, I always happened to be grafted into a particular group/ situation/ project/ etc. way after it was established. Someone-left-and-I-came kind of thing. Not that this is bad ~ in fact, God must have intended such for good. God must have intended me to enjoy the blessings of His divine arrangements and appointments.

But dunno... It's just that I have been feeling like a substitute this and that. In the group for instance, I felt left-out in a way, because the rest had gelled with each other before I came along ~ I felt like an extra finger on a hand. The sixth finger. Awkwardly placed and unsure of its function. Dragging the rest down and being more of a nuisance than a help. Always timid and nervous to voice out what I thought because I didn't think that my two cents were worth any attention. Sometimes, I wondered if anybody would miss me if I didn't show up. 

I was talking to my boss today about the possibility of stopping my work at Faith next year because of other ministry commitments. Of course I haven't made up my mind completely yet, but I already feel very sorry because of the inconveniences I would cause her (and other teachers) if I were to leave - after she had kindly taken me on board too. I found out today, that she already had a feeling that I wouldn't be staying long in Faith the moment she took me in. Why did she decide to hire me then? 

Her name must not be a co-incidence, really. Through her, I have indeed received God's Grace.

I digress. Anyway, I apologised and told her that if I were to leave, I hope that I had been a blessing whilst I was a "filler" (a.k.a substitute) before the a full fledged teacher came on board. And her answer completely surprised me:

"You were never a "filler." But a full fledged teacher to Faith!"

My eyes filled with tears. I don't think it was just because her words had moved me (they had). But something heavy seemed to fall off my shoulders. Was it relief I felt? Maybe. But more than anything, I felt affirmed. It was as if I had been comforted by Heaven's kiss.

And then I thought of Jesus - who replaced me on the cross. He was God's Lamb of sacrifice ~ sent to die for the sins of the world so that we could have life. Jesus was our Substitute - rejected, mocked, mistreated, spit upon, scourged and killed - so that we did not have to receive the wages our sins deserved. 

Jesus loved. I don't think I love enough - or I would be more contented about my portion and lot. Whether God or my neighbours, I do not love enough. Period. Does it really matter so much if I were a substitute? Unimportant as I may seemingly be? If God had meant to bless someone or a group of people through me, then He will do it whether or not I am significant to that someone or that group of people. But it is not just about me not loving enough. Rooted in deeper is this problem: I don't think I am adequately convicted of God's love for me somehow. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ ~ but somehow, I still feel condemned. 

Phantom condemnation, haha. It is like how some people can still sense that a missing limb (e.g. due to amputation) is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with the other body-parts. We call such sensation a "Phantom limb". I have phantom condemnation.

God, help me to first be convicted of Your Father love for me... so that I may love You more and love Your people more. Help me to unlearn the lies that have taken root in my being ~ so that I may see the truth... Your good and perfect will.

1 comment:

adeline said...

When God made you, He didn't make a substitute. He made you because He had a purpose and a plan for you. Every where you've been, everything you've done, has been God putting you there, in that exact place because you are His light. You are not an afterthought. You've always been a first thought. You are beloved, a woman of faith who loves her God, a woman who seeks to follow hard after Him.