Wednesday 31 July 2013


Astonishing things happen in life.

The most unlikely coincidences, the most un-chosen people, the most unconventional paths, and the most accidental discoveries (oh also, the most unexpected answers to prayers)... they surprise us and knock us out of our comfort perimeters. They may disturb and challenge. Sometimes they try our faiths and obedience to God. We realise the stuff that we are made of.

And we don't know where to put our faces, minds and hearts... because we lack understanding of why everything happened the way they happened... or where everything is leading to. God has to intervene. Waiting for that divine intervention is an anguishing process.

I am definitely waiting and anguishing.

A wise mentor told me yesterday that it is not wrong to anguish. Anguish keeps us from complacency. We pray more, explore deeper and learn to trust God. Furthermore, such anguish is needed for us to participate intimately in God's birthing process of something new.

A mother pushes her newborn out into the world through anguish.

Note to self: Just don't bite your man while you are in anguish! :p

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