Monday 5 August 2013

Sunday: An interlude... my series on spiritual maturity. Haha.

A very tiring weekend on the whole. But then again, I'm always tired during weekends - and so, it is nothing new.

Picture evidence: Taken sometime between church and the SMF choir practice. I woke up to find Ben giggling over the pictures he took while I was away... gallivanting in dreamland. *hulky sulk*

Fortunately, I do not drool in my sleep. And no, I wasn't snoring. :P I promise.

Anyway, I did have some lovely moments over the weekend.

(1) Spent time with the young adults at church. We played games at the Solid Rock on Saturday evening and went out for a leisurely and fattening supper after that.

(2) Visited the newly opened Gurney Paragon Mall on Friday evening with Ben. Will definitely visit again. 

(3) Served as pianist in Service 2 today (Sunday). Even though my fingers were a little slow to obey the command of Brain (for the past week already), it was amazing to have been able to worship God with my instrument. Not sure if I should be worried about my fingers' reaction time ~ hoping that it's just tiredness as well as the pain from cutting my fingernails too short. (I never learn, do I?)

(4) Lunched with Jo on Friday. Refreshing. She does have a way of cheering me up through talking.

(5) Choir practice for the Sacred Music Festival 2013. Did I mention that I've finally convinced my teacher that I belong to the first altos instead of Sop 2? Now, singing my parts has become a joy once more (especially because the sopranos - and tenors - were required to sing up to the high F# and G# - that always made me light-headed). No more tears. No more pulling funny faces. No more confused abdominal muscles. No more screeching and squeaking at the top of my voice. Life is good.

Have a blessed week, folks!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

heheeeee, you're such a good sport to post up that sleeping pic