Thursday, 14 November 2013

Home away from home

Singapore. A most delightful book occupied my faculties all the way from Penang to Singapore, and I hardly felt time passing by. Having arrived in the middle of Hawthorne's intriguing classic (The Scarlet Letter), I am now dying to know how the tale will end - but I guess it would have to wait till tomorrow.

Ji and Hwa's sweet little flat. We've just had the most hilarious prayer meeting between us, thanks to someone's snort of laughter upon the utterance of another person's childlike prayer request. Tsk tsk. It was of course no laughing matter, but the more we tried to sober up, the more laughter fizzed up like mean soda eager to burst out of a capped, shaken bottle. It was sure hard to pray while shaking with suppressed laughter. O God, in Your mercy, hear our prayers! :S

It's good to be back.

I am looking forward to having breakfast by myself at the Ghim Moh Market tomorrow morning. Not to mention the solitary walks, reading/journaling at cafés and meet-ups with those dear and familiar.

Now, this is what I call a good vacation. :)

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