Saturday 22 February 2014


I hardly blog on Saturday nights.

However, since my husband is away at someone's wedding dinner (one which we both decided that I would be spared from showing up, no offense to anybody) and there is no cell group tonight... I have succumbed to my blogging itch. I guess, I am blogging partially because I am bored, taking a break from TV and home alone too.

Despite (1) a terrible cramp in my right calve that got me howling in the middle of last night, much to Ben's fright and panic - because he thought that I was about to go into labour, haha; (2) a very sad dream following the cramp that left me teary-eyed and unsettled - the only consolation I had waking up in the morning was my baby pressing herself reassuringly against me; (3) the nagging pain in my right leg since the cramp especially when I walk; (4) the insane weekend traffic jams all over Penang island; and (5) the zeal-zapping heat and the non-appearance of rain.... there are still reasons to be thankful tonight. And so, to keep myself from murmuring and lapsing into a sulky mood, I thought I would mull over those good things and give glory to God instead.

Ok, maybe three things for tonight....

1. Work. There is something mysteriously sacramental about it - whether in its ordering of my time and weekdays, in the glorious view of rocks, hills and trees (birds and monkeys too) from my office window, in the simple furnishings of my work space, in the relationships I have with my colleagues, in the exhortations of my boss or in the fulfillment of finding myself happily lost in my labours.

2. Pregnancy and its boosting of my self-image ~ somehow. Having had a history of eating disorders and while I have already put them far behind me, it was still hard to imagine how I would be able to cope with watching myself grow from week to week. However, I have been surprised and delighted to realise that I actually love and appreciate myself much more nowadays - especially with that sacred awareness that I do not only bear the image of God, but I have been blessed to be the mother of yet another of His image-bearers - one who is just as fearfully and wonderfully made. Life is indeed beautiful and exciting, my growing baby teaches me. Life is more than the numbers on your scale, how big or small you are, or trying to conform to the world's ideals. Rather, life is for expressing your authenticity as passionately as you can - and enjoying the pleasure you bring to your Maker, who is to be known, loved and trusted.

3. My husband. The man who works hard to earn his "paternity leave" (guess who is going to be my "confinement nanny"?), tries his best to entertain my whims and fancies (no matter how ridiculous), trims my toenails because they are too far out of my reach, takes over my housework when I am overheated (and lazy), massages the cramps out of my legs in the middle of the night, enjoys my cooking, drops me loving texts while I am at work, kisses my belly every night, etc, etc, etc. I thank God that I married a good man - and a good father-to-be.

1 comment:

Your Crazy Sis said...

Ben is so absolutely sweet! AND SO ARE YOU! You both are going to be smashingly awesome parents :)))))))))