Wednesday 22 August 2012

For the record...

...I lunched with Rachel today. Had coffee and dessert at Coffeebean too. What a good, uplifting time of just connecting and catching up.

We chatted away nineteen to the dozen about many random things, given the short hour we had. One of the greatest impressions our conversation made on me is how awesomely sovereign God is.

We may not know why things happen the way they do. Painful some, miraculous some, bizarre some. Neither do we understand why our hearts can turn so drastically to align with His will, especially when our initial stands were stubbornly fast - in fact, humanly impossible to move. But God always has His awesome, awesome ways to shift every condition in favour of His good and perfect will. His will for His Kingdom to come on earth, yes. But also within this ultimate plan, His will for us to know Him personally, savour Him, ascertain the purpose of our being, and discover the unsurpassed goodness of being His redeemed sons and daughters ~ fellow-heirs with Christ.

There is absolutely nothing that the Enemy can do to usurp the sovereignty of God. How faithful God is to assure us of this from time to time.

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