Wednesday 24 October 2012

While you were away (Day #1)

Began on my TOC assignments... but didn't go too far. =(

Was way too distracted ~ by the new stack of bills, the strange happenings of the day (which I will blog about another time perhaps), a talk at church this evening (was good though), my missing you terribly, etc. Let's hope that tomorrow will be a more productive day.

God reminded me this evening (as a spot-on answer to the question in my prayer this morning) ~ that His gifts are unconditional. Which means it doesn't matter how long you have been a Christian (or if you are one ~ after all, Christ died for us while we were blinded sinners), whether you have been always faithful to your Quiet Time or if your character is terribly flawed. God gives us gifts because He wants to. For His glory. For His Kingdom. For the Body. 

I love how John Ortberg puts it ~ "...There is no tragedy like the tragedy of the unopened gift..." A gift is not really a gift until it is savoured. Likewise, our gifts are to be well-used and their outworking, God glorifying. The only hindrance to the outworking of these gifts is our disobedience with regards to using them the way God intended us to. This disobedience could be a result of ignorance, doubt, cynicism, selfish ambition, fear and timidity, shyness.... or insecurities that make us compare the gifts we have received with the gifts of others, and subsequently bury them.

I cherish the fact that God answered me through the voice of Pst. Peter ~ THICK Australian accent and all.

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