Thursday 14 July 2011

If I were to write a book...

I'll be meeting up with two very important people in the second half of my week. First, Yvonne (tomorrow evening) and second, Ai Hua (Friday afternoon).  Looking forward to these meet-ups is a great perk.

Otherwise, the first half of my week has been rather uneventful. (I'll be back to Church History 2 reading course next week, so pray for perseverance, consistency and diligence, people.... ) So today, I was trying to think... if I were to write a book, what it would be about. Should it be fiction (like a novel), biographical or "self-help"?

Also, I am thinking: Who should it cater to? How should I publish it? How would I fund the publishing? Etcetera. Perhaps, it's worth it doing some research starting from now.

Yeah... one of my wildest childhood dreams - I've always wished that I could author books. Not just any books... but books that greatly inspire those who read them.

In primary school, I penciled stories and illustrated them myself in brown exercise books for friends who would read them. The fulfillment that came from knowing that my friends were eagerly looking forward to the "next chapter" was indescribable. I also enjoyed writing "news reports" on imaginary events.  In secondary school, I got together with some of the very best friends I've ever had and we "co-wrote" stories by continuing where another had left off. I also wrote more extreme stories which I would only share with my family members. Many of these stories were inspired by my own life experiences (especially with eating disorders). In my 2nd year of med school, I began blogging - as a way of self-expression; to update family and friends on what I was up to in Dublin; as well as to keep-track of my own spiritual walk and journey in eating disorders. It has been an awesome experience. In a blink of the eye, 7 years have passed by - and I am currently blogging at my 3rd blog address. Nevertheless, authoring books has always seemed like a far-off dream. One that I would never really pursue.

Perhaps, the past 3 years have changed me. After I graduated from med school, I happily promised myself that I would never write research papers anymore. (I think it was because I hated all the rules on format, referencing, etc.) However, I found myself doing the thing I had hated most AGAIN - a year later, when I embarked on MCS at MBTS. And I've not stopped writing research (and reflection) papers ever since. Through this meticulous, frustrating, and often painful discipline, I have received much encouragement on my writings from the seminary lecturers who marked them. Perhaps, the affirmation that meant the most to me came from my academic dean - who once suggested that I take my writing a little further. It was clearly an affirmation from God - because it came during a time when I was wondering if I should pursue that dream.

My hubby has been amazing support. So today, I found myself wondering if and how I can kick-start the new journey. I am not that confident at this moment - but with my Creator's help, provision and anointing, I believe it would be an exciting road ahead - that would not only change my life, but also make a difference in many other lives as God moves in His mysterious ways. Ultimately, may God glorify Himself.

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