Tuesday 19 July 2011

Your past is not your future

I believe that God has been speaking to me in the recent few days.

I blogged recently about how a Korean drama series (Personal Preference) I watched last week ministered to me very unexpectedly and tremendously - because I saw so much of myself in the main female character - her life, her failures, her personality and yet the turning point... In the past few days, I watched 2 other movies which I randomly picked (or rather, Ben randomly picked... In fact, we watched them because we were bored. The titles did not reveal anything about the story-lines) - and while both movies were simple, somehow I got the same message. So relevant and timely the message - that I strongly felt that it was God speaking to me. Every time it came, I could feel the tears pricking my eyelids.

"Your past is not your future. And whatever you've released to God in the present, trust that it will be in sovereign hands."

I'm not sure if Ben was mindful that I have been contemplating on this message (because I didn't really talk to him about it - despite raving about the Korean drama, haha) - but yesterday, while we were having dinner, he tenderly looked me in the eye and prophesied upon my life. Actually he has been doing this since Sunday. Hearing such words from him is powerful for me somehow - as his wife. It's not just about making me feel good - but the words bear such divine weight and stir up my soul to trust God again. They remind me that every failure, every tear cried and every prayer I've prayed will not be in vain.

In Christ alone my hope is found.

As a verse from Stuart Townend's and Keith Getty's song goes:

In Christ alone my hope is found... 
He is my light, my strength, my song. 
My cornerstone, my solid ground...
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

1 comment:

Lydia said...

You are so blessed by a wonderful husband :)