Friday 19 August 2011


Breakfast with Ai Hua this morning was the incentive for my early arising.

Yes, I needed one. The incentive.

I realized recently that my ability to function in a sleep-deprived state has greatly diminished. Perhaps my age is catching up. I now need at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day or I get a little disorientated. In my early twenties, I could do with 4 hours. *Mourns*

Anyway, it's Friday! I began on my "Book of Mark" journaling that Pastor Mah asked me to do for the course, had coffee... and read a ministry-related book. Ben was home super early today. We will go out in a while to have dinner with friends - and also to celebrate Mel's home-coming after a 2-year mission trip on Logos Hope. I desperately need to ask her a certain question... :P

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