Tuesday 9 August 2011


My Monday was awesome because I didn't do much. I didn't even want to have anything to do with my Church Theology History notes. *Grins*

Spent my whole afternoon having coffee, reading, reflecting, walking down Orchard Road and MRT-ing. There was a Singapore National Day sale going on in many of the shopping places; but I did not buy anything much. Strangely, despite the general emotion of happiness, bliss and at-home-ness, there was a familiar tinge of sad (like the one I experienced when Ben and I were apart for 3 months due to his US business trip and my Poland mission trip last year). Perhaps I am missing my hubby and worrying 'bout him - being sick and beginning a new job without me around to give him support. Oh well, it is beautiful to know that God still joins hearts when husband and wife are far apart... and He hears every prayer we make for one another and makes things work together for good. I truly am thankful for the technology of SMS that we so often take for granted - Ben could even text me last night to tell me that he was doing his quiet time...and would be tidying up the house after that, because I left it messy to the max with my things strewn all over the place! :P Aww... How heart-warming.

In the evening - Ji, Sze Hwa (Ji's housemate) and I went downstairs to have a leisurely dinner at Koufu. (They have a paraphernalia of eateries, convenience shops, bakery, saloon, clinic and market right at their doorstep. How cool is that!??) We had a good chat, particularly on the topic of missions... and then we returned home. The night again ended with Ji and I sharing, worshipping and praying. I released the last remnants of my bitterness toward an issue I've been facing to God - and decided in my heart to be faithful and to serve God with joy and purpose. More joy and purpose. Coz God is worthy of the greatest devotions of one's life.

A thought that came to mind yesterday... The people of Singapore - beautiful, keen, talented and diverse - set in a peaceful background of conveniences, constant development, technology and opportunities galore. Yet, behind every facade of modernity, image of independence or set of eyes upon a polished face, there possibly lies a hidden hurt, grief and hunger for love/acceptance yet unquenched. A battle to search for the meaning of life. A road yet to be found and the embrace of the Savior to be lost in. My heart aches for especially the young women of Singapore to satisfy their hunger for significance through knowing Christ - and consequently be liberated to soar to even greater heights than those merely bought by performance, money, shopping, chic, physical beauty and career. These things soothe for a while and then fade away - but God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. He grants everlasting hope and therefore the very essence of life to the fullest, come what may. Also, my prayer is for the institution of families to be strengthened. In a place where the pressures of the common rat-race threaten to tear the fabric of family, I fear for the children and youths of tomorrow.

It's surprising how easy it is to wake up early on a holiday - because I don't want to waste too much precious time lazing in bed. Lol.

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