Monday 22 August 2011


A peek into my regular Monday...

After a session of continuing with my assignments - I did two rounds of laundry, went groceries-shopping and cooked dinner. Served hubby dinner when he arrived home, spent some time with him, watched yet another episode of 제빵왕 김탁구 while hubby kindly washed the dishes and now we are working at our work stations.

Working from the home is actually really nice. I get to kill two birds with one stone. Keep home in order like a good home-maker and work on my projects/ministry. Yes, it does take quite some discipline to not gravitate toward the bed during "work hours", turn on the TV when it is not yet time to watch 제빵왕 김탁구 or wear PJ's the whole day. I am not saying that I've arrived - but I am definitely trying my best!

I've accepted the fact that this is where God wants me to be for the moment despite being troubled about what others would think of me initially (yes, I confess). It is not wrong to desire to be an excellent home-maker - my mum was one and my role-models in life/mentors are mostly awesome home-makers too. I am also definitely appreciating the flexibility that comes part and parcel of my status quo. For example, I can meet up with people, email people, minister, groceries-shop and visit the post-office during and after office-hours, no problem. Furthermore, my hubby has had the luxury of eating home-cooked food almost every weekday. It has been my privilege and blessing to put a smile on his face at the end of each long day at work.

All right. Gotta continue with my Book of Mark assignment.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

My dream job, you lucky pie!! :P I saw your comment on my entry. I wonder why u and edmond have the same kind of responds. Both believing and having faith more than myself :P Okay, time for me to arise and believe!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe!!! :)