Monday 29 August 2011


Up early today. My God is gracious and merciful. We were praying for the strength for me to wake up earlier to do my assignments - and today, I could do so. Indeed, His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I know for sure that it is Him helping me today. Thank You, Lord!

I've had a weird sleeping problem for as long as I can remember. I find it a little difficult to fall asleep at night (unless I am really tired) and difficult to get up in the mornings. Perhaps, my body-clock got messed up way back in A-levels when I used to sleep very little for the sake of my studies and getting into medical school. I remember waking up every morning, panicking and feeling extremely nervous - just as if I was going into a battle! (I can be that kiasu. LOL!) Or when I had bulimia - because when I did, I'd spent half the night binging and purging before reluctantly sneaking to bed when everyone else was getting up. Now, it feels like my body is paying me back for the many years I've not taken good care of it. :S

It hasn't stopped raining yet! It has been a wet and chilly few days for us here in Penang. I hope the sun comes out today, because I badly need to get some laundry done.

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