Friday 12 August 2011


Oh wow... Friday and the weekend is fast approaching! Before I know it, I'll be landing at Penang Airport and missing Singapore. *Sob*

Anyway, I had a very pleasant Thursday.

Had lunch with Valerie at Cedele, Vivocity. Cedele is a bakery cafe with many outlets all over Singapore, which serves really healthy food handcrafted from fresh and natural ingredients... and bakes with organic unrefined sugar. I felt like such a health buff walking into the cafe. I regret a little to say that this is probably the healthiest meal of my week, lol. And since it was so, I made sure that I enjoyed it. My roast chicken and avocado sandwich was fantastic btw. The time Val and I spent together was short but sweet. Since we are both former Eating Disorder (ED) sufferers who got to know one another through nothing short of a divine appointment (and this was rather a freaky one, I may add), we chatted much about recovery and life after an ED. We were also talking about marriage prep and some other random stuff. After lunch, I had a little walk around the mall, bought my hubby a present from Page One (mmm, I think he's gonna love it)... and had coffee at GJC. Did some reading too.

Dined at Broun Cafe with Laura, Ji, Abishek and Kim (Abi's girlfriend whom I had the pleasure of meeting in person for the first time. Strange - I discovered that she knew another friend of mine... Ah, how small this world is!) It was good to see Abi after such a long time. Furthermore, it felt like a mini reunion for our E.N.Dublin former worship team members (minus Mark of course). Awesomeness. We are all many years older now. Serving in different churches back here in Asia. Getting on with our lives. Etc. However, when I remember that these were also the friends who had seen me through my darkest days and times of great uncertainties... and had faithfully loved, prayed and ministered... I felt all warm, happy and blessed inside. God has been so kind to me.

After dinner, Ji and I walked around Clarke Quay Central (I'm not sure if that's really the name of the mall) and took the train home. We had tea and biscuits for dessert... and sat around the dining table talking, laughing and affirming one another. I also talked to my hubby on the phone. Such an amazing way to end the day, don't you think? :)

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