Wednesday 17 August 2011


The week is already half over! I am not sure whether I should be happy or not - but it does mean 2 days more to yet another weekend, while my September and October deadlines draw close. *Swallows* Ooooh...

I began on one assignment yesterday - got about quarter of my way through the paper.

Today, hubby was on a holiday (strange huh... it was supposed to be a Selangor state holiday - and Ben works in Penang) - so I was also in the holiday mood and thus my assignment tergendala lagi. *guilty* We watched Captain America in the morning. Even though I'm no big fan of superheroes, I actually like the movie - especially for its classic "wartime" music! In the afternoon, we ran some errands and washed our car; I spent some time on my piano while hubby fiddled around with the plugs and sockets in our house (don't ask me what he was doing, but he did a great job - I thank God for an engineer hubby, haha). Last but not least, we had a lovely evening eating order-in pizza (with scrumptilicious buffalo wings + buttery garlic twists - I suspect that only my sister would know where we ordered this from) and relaxing at home.

I promise that I'll finish at least half of that assignment today. The night is still young. And tomorrow's definitely a work day for the both of us.

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