Saturday, 10 September 2011

Another two for the Kingdom....

One of the most amazing, awesome Saturdays of the year yet. The other one was of course the Saturday when I got married to hubby Wong.

Just like I have mentioned two posts back or so, I would begin and have begun a new ministry today, i.e. hosting a small group for God-seeking pre-believers in my home. At first, I did not know what to expect, because I haven't been doing things like this for a long time. I didn't even know why I was so certain that I should take responsibility over this ministry even when I am supposed to be going "full force" toward my graduation this last term at MBTS - meeting my deadlines and preparing for exams, etc. It could only have been a prompting from God. I don't think it's because I have been very "spiritual" either - that I received the assignment. In fact, I was confessing to Ben quite recently that this year brings some of the lowest points in my personal walk with God. However, God's pattern is such that He uses the most blatant nobodies, lowlies and weaklings as His instruments to do the most unbelievable things and draw the world to see and savor His glory. Therefore, I am not too surprised. Rather, I am thankful for the beautiful opportunity to both join God in His work as well as to witness Him working miracles in the lives of people.

I got up early this morning to spend some time in prayer and received a sudden text from a dear brother, Kean Yew... I thought that it was the most random, once-in-a-blue-moon thing - yet a timely one, because he seldom texts me like that. It was a short text, asking me how I was doing... and then, he told me that he was waiting to get off last night's on-call at 8am, and suddenly thought of me, so he texted. So I told him that I was going to engage in some "spiritual warfare" today, and since God had brought me to his mind, would he kindly pray for me...

Amazing right? Hubby and I prayed together later... I reviewed my teaching plan prepared 2 nights ago (even the preparation was so Spirit-led, because the ideas just flowed out of my head like they don't usually do - even the Scripture references, analogies, etc - I just kept writing and writing them down). After a quick breakfast, the two girls arrived one by one - and our session began. They enjoyed it. I enjoyed it too. At the end of the session, I decided, again by God's grace, to gently post the question to the girls. (I had debated in my mind first whether or not I should leave it for the next session.) I was almost afraid to hear the answer. And to my utmost surprise, they did want to receive Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior! The session ended with us praying the sinner's prayer together. Praise the Lord, to whom salvation belongs and only through whom salvation is possible.

Heaven must be rejoicing.

Indeed almost nothing else beats knowing that two more have been added to the Kingdom - no, not even a sponsored shopping spree, a Jap food buffet... or an opportunity to get out of Penang! (Of course I was kidding for the last one.)

To those who have supported me in prayer, thank you so much! Please kindly continue to keep me in prayer as we follow-up with longer term discipleship.

Went on board the LOGOS Hope today and bought many books.

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