Monday 5 September 2011

Down to one...

I guess through this season of searching (for direction in life, post-grad), I am learning much about myself.

Sometimes the learning comes in a form of my struggles. Especially when I realize that I am not cut out for certain work, no matter how I strive. Also, I get to know my bad attitudes, who my best friends are... and how unspiritual I can be at times. Sometimes the learning comes in a form of my hubby's affirmation of my gifts, his observations on how I react to certain challenges in life/previous job which I've never realized and some constructive criticism (in a good sense - I just can't find another word to describe it). Sometimes the learning comes in the form of God's Word, which by the power of the Holy Spirit, transforms me by the renewing of the mind. Someday, I know - I will look back at this season and have wonderful reasons to treasure it. Even in the midst of all confusion, uncertainty and disorderliness, God has already made many good and happy memories for me.

Today, by God's grace - my hubby and I had a brainwave or two - and we narrowed down my post-grad options even one ~ for the moment. *Phew* Need to pray more about it, so I don't think I'll say anymore about this option at this stage. It's definitely not anything I had in mind 3 years back. I think I will need to start putting my CV together soon, just in case. To those who have been so supportive and praying consistently for me, "thank you" is too light a word (or is it two?) to express my deepest gratitude - but still the most relevant. God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. (Hebrews 6:10)

1 comment:

Lydia said...

:) again I'm inspired....