Thursday 1 September 2011

September has arrived!

Recently, I haven't had the time to blog as much as I would have liked. Reasons:

(1) my assignments are exhausting most of my brain juices
(2) my hubby had 3 days off from work this week, thanks to Hari Raya and National Day hols - we went out so I've been away from my laptop pretty much
(3) my thoughts are just too complex to be expressed through a simple blog-post, haha. I need to talk more to God.
(4) deadlines and exams are just around the corner *sweat*
(5) I'm taking up a new ministerial role September onwards and will need some time to prepare for it and adapt
(6) I am very, very stressed and overwhelmed.

Nescaya itu, please don't mind if I blog a little less, OK? :)

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