Saturday, 4 February 2012

Solitude on a Saturday evening

Spending the evening alone, while the hubby has gone out to lead Bible-study for tonight's CG after some hours of preparation this afternoon. His commitment and diligence really shame me sometimes.

I cannot imagine leading/facilitating Bible studies weekend after weekend - especially when one's got another full-time job to do for the rest of the week and house-chores/errands to run during the weekend. (Therefore, I honestly think that Ben is super-man!) Preparing for a Bible-study is one thing... preparing yourself mentally to lead Bible-study is another. I am not very good at interactive sessions and getting everybody involved in discussions - or perhaps, awkward silences are scary. I shudder at the thought of myself leading Bible-study...and so, I am full of admiration for my hubby. I really like how his Bible-studies are never long-winded or overly scholarly! They stimulate your mind just enough, so that you go home meditating on the Word, reflecting on your life... and calling out to God (at least for me).

Give me a paper/article/book to write anytime. *Just kidding*

Ben and I are really different people.

I have opted to rest at home instead of joining CG this weekend, because I am badly in need of some time alone after a week of hard, brain-wringing work on one passage in the Bible - Gal 4:1-11 - a.k.a my interpretation project. Or you can say that the introvert in me needs some refreshing, energizing, revitalizing time in solitude. Some time alone to challenge my "giants", with God's help. Some time alone to ponder, muse and be inspired. Some time alone to work on my spiritual formation assignment, study Korean grammar and play piano.

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