Wednesday, 22 February 2012

What makes the difference...

Had brunch and a do-what-you-please session with one of my favorite friends at Irrawaddy Fine Foods & Deli.

My stomach wasn't doing well, still - and I had just developed a rash from taking one of my meds. (Some chemical reaction somewhere probably triggered my eczema.) So I was only able to eat a mushroom quiche with mango juice. The food was good - but I believe that I would be able to enjoy it more without my stomach woes. Well, another day then.

This gourmet deli has really an awesome variety of cold cuts, breads, cakes, salads, cheeses, etc, etc. I will definitely return for more - when I'm better. They say ~ never shop when you are hungry. I couldn't have agreed more! With my appetite down to a pathetic near-zero this morning, I could hardly decide on what to eat... to say nothing of deciding on what I wanted to buy.

Rachel and I just sat at the back of the shop - eating, talking, praying, reading, working and enjoying one another's company.

Something that she said today really moved me ~ I felt like my heart could have twisted itself into a pretzel trying to comprehend the vastness of these simple words: "It is God's favor that makes all the difference." Well, it isn't the first time I've heard of this - but somehow, the context in which the words were spoken truly drove home this fact to me.

You may not be the most talented, the coolest, the most wanted, the strongest or the most skilled in your field of profession. Perhaps you are not really wanted. However, if God's favor is upon you, all these are just secondary concerns. You can choose not to be under that pressure of competing with others for survival and promotions. Why? Because God's favor is for you to be in that place. His protection is upon you. You would be free to enjoy doing what He has granted you the gifts and favor to do, excel, develop your passion, depend on God and glorify Him. God's glory and Kingdom come, His will be done - these are the ultimate purposes of His sovereign favor. However, I also see that one of God's ways to satisfy our souls is this: when we live our lives in ways that cause others to see and savor the favor of God in our lives, we are truly fulfilled. Not if we are braggish, arrogant and proud of our accomplishments of course. Not if we think that we deserved God's favor either. BUT we will be indeed truly fulfilled when draw back to regard our unglamorous and undeserving estate... and are assured that He really loves us so much that He made us worthy.

Finally, we are fulfilled when we testify of His tender lovingkindness - in which we have hoped and are not ashamed.

God, where are Your pillars of cloud and fire for my life? You who have led me through the valley of the shadow of death, lead on. For Your paths are always the paths of righteousness.

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