Thursday 31 May 2012

Wednesday ~ 30.5.2012

Such an awesome day off, me thinks!

Brunch with Rachel... followed by a minute-decision leisurely stroll around Gurney Plaza. I was actually looking for a nice purple dress for purchase - alas, I did not fall in love with any of the purple dresses hanging from the racks at Gurney Plaza. Life's like this ~ when you desperately need to find something, it seems to take delight in staying well-hidden until you've stopped looking for it. Now, I am starting to wish that the colour theme of that event which I am supposed to attend is anything but purple.

B-b-but... purple's such a pretty colour. Why can't they design nicer dresses in purple? Why can't nice purple dresses be less costly? Or maybe, my tastes are too weird.

In the afternoon, I worked a bit on my piano, had a snack, did some toning exercises for the sake of my flabby arms... and then went jogging with the hubby after he was done with work. Jogged for half-an-hour. Not bad, considering that I haven't been running for aeons. Returned home, had our takeaway Subway sandwiches, watched "Showdown 2012"... and I ended up ironing a huge basket of clothes. Creased they were, and creaseless they now are.

While exhausted, I am feeling so victorious now!

Anyway, we just got to know that our new tenant will be moving into our current place in 10 days time. It's really time to start packing. We will be staying with my lovely in-laws till the renovations at our new place have been completed.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

purple my favourite colour :P