Monday 30 July 2012

The hope that poisons

Two days in a row, I watched two movies which co-incidentally quoted along these lines:

"There can be no despair without hope. And hope can poison..."

So intrigued I was with the co-incidence (probably a God-appointed co-incidence)... that I was a little distracted in the second movie, pondering upon the meaning of these words. Indeed, a man cannot live without hope - but it is possible to have the hope that poisons, disappoints, leads one to despair and marks him/her with the bitterness that gradually kills the soul.

I certainly don't want to have this kind of hope - even though it may keep me from jumping down from a building. However, the sad fact is that many of us often wind up having this kind of hope. I know I have, myself. You know the pattern: I hope for something - it doesn't happen/come - I hope again - I get disappointed again - I want to hope, but I fear failure/disappointment - and so I try not to hope but I get depressed thinking of what I might be missing by not hoping, etc. The cycle then repeats itself. Fear, resentment, depression and rebellion enter the picture.

The hope that embitters.

It will be good for us to reflect: is there a hope that doesn't poison us? Can there be a good kind of hope that turns poisonous because we embrace it in the wrong way? Is there a right way to hope? On whom we can hope, etc. Also, if a hope that poisons can be turned into the hope that heals.

Am I making any sense? :) I prayed and some answers came (from God's Word) - but I shall not put them here, just in case anyone feels that my words hinder their thinking processes.

Happy reflecting and happy Monday, folks!

1 comment:

Lydia said...

wahlaoweh... i super like your post! got me thinking