Wednesday 5 December 2012

We've got to say goodbye... the fetus this Friday. (Unless my body decides to expel the fetus anytime before that.)

I am waiting for my D&C appointment to be confirmed.

Upon my 2nd visit to the obstetrician's, there was no heart-beat to be found on the scan and not much growth from the last visit 2 weeks ago. Went over to another hospital for a second opinion (more detailed scans too) and the miscarriage was confirmed. 

Apparently, miscarriages in early pregnancy are quite common (10-30% pregnancies) ~ especially when the fetus' genetic make-up does not permit it to develop into a full-grown baby. Dr. N was very encouraging ~ he said, since I am physically fit, becoming pregnant again later shouldn't be hard. Of course, the emotional/psychological trauma would take time to heal ~ so by the time we are through that, my body would have recovered sufficiently.

Hubby is out-station today and tomorrow for work (felt really bad to have to call him with the sad news) ~ so I was super thankful that Vanessa kindly came over to accompany me at the hospitals. To those who texted me, prayed and gave unstinting support, I truly appreciate it too. The tears still came and my heart aches ~ but the thought of having such wonderful friends and family comforts me. My boss even helped me to cancel all my remaining classes this week! :D I am glad that I don't need to face anyone in person the next few days and can quietly grieve/bereave/recharge in the sanctuary of my home ~ evidence that I'm an introvert indeed.

I will be strong ~ God is still good, sovereign, merciful and gracious.


~wlyn~ said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you, sis.

zoey said...

<3 hugs to you jie..

Lydia said...

love you grace :) take care and keeping you in my prayers ;)