Friday 1 February 2013

My birthday ~ 310113

My day began with me being glamorously late for Dr. V's sermon prep and delivery class.

Why? I was having such a blast snoozing my alarm clock ~ that I didn't realize that I had totally silenced the rooster. When I woke up, the sky outside was alarmingly bright. I hastily brushed my teeth, threw on my clothes and sped to MBTS as if it were a matter of life and death. (Thank God we only live 5 minutes away from the seminary!) I can only imagine how prim and proper I must have looked running into class, 45 minutes into the first period. Earned a "L" for "Late" from the class monitor in my attendance record too.

After that mega jolt to my senses, the rest of the day was pretty fun. All that love heaped on me ~ prayers, birthday songs, cake, cards, gifts, Facebook greetings, Whatsapp messages, etc. Went shopping in the afternoon, before work (took a break from my Romans paper) ~ and spent those Parkson vouchers my mother-in-law got me. Had dinner with my hubby after work at Edoichi (a Japanese restaurant right opposite where I teach). 

This was my birthday in a nutshell.

Well, I turned 29 today. I totally love my age right now. Then again, I say that every year. Growing a year older is always exciting for me ~ there are so many new things. New opportunities to be discovered, new privileges, new horizons, new stars to be reached for, new prayers to be said and answered, new mountains to climb and conquer, new milestones to arrive at, new friendships to be deepened, new ministry challenges to be faced... and new memories to be made. I am excited. It is not going to be a particularly easy year ~ what with me attempting to complete my MDiv. The assignments are already wearing me thin (figuratively and literally). I am considering sitting for the Trinity Guildhall vocal exams too. However, I am still excited ~ because I know that God is good. He makes all things work together for the good of those who love and trust Him.

I pray and hope that I would be able to follow Jesus Christ closer this year ~ and continue growing in the fruits of the Spirit. 
Lydia's parcel that came in the mail yesterday

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