Monday, 4 March 2013

Tomorrow is yet eternity why do I hold on so tightly to the present and the past? 

Why am I depressed? Why are you so downcast, O my soul?

Don't get me wrong. The past and present are important. In fact, they are important elements of "today". After all, there is no present on the linearity of time if there wasn't a past. But eternity is not just about the past and present. It is also about tomorrow... a glorious "tomorrow" in Christ, in the light of which, today is lived with hope and consolation.

An eternal life in Christ is about hope. One recapitulates yesterday's sorrows and mistakes; anticipates tomorrow's deliverances and victories; and seizes the day. Time is to be a treasure and not a threat. Time passes... people change, I change, circumstances change. But by the virtue of what Christ has done on the cross, time and eternity have partially interlocked with one another. And because some part of eternity has been drawn into time, time brings hope while it has yet to culminate. It points us to that day in our linear future when all tears, pain and corruption will end.

God, I pray that You would help me to savour time and seize the day. Carpe diem.

1 comment:

Noisy Canvas said...

Hi Grace-Melody,

I understand that right now may not be the most easygoing time for you. I've been trying to find a way to email you but couldn't locate an address, so I have to resort to commenting here.

I'm a reporter working on a story on how social networking sites effect body image among young people. I've read your blogs and since you are a survivor of eating disorder, I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind me contacting you so that you can share with me your story and your thoughts on this issue?

Looking forward to hearing from you. Take care. :)
