Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Another major course's assignments completed. Yabba-dabba-dooooo!!!

Praise God!

Now I have got two more papers to complete by the 1st of May. And then, I can look forward to the 13th General Election of my beloved country, Malaysia. 

In the midst of working on my sermon appraisal paper, my eyes fell upon this:

I hardly look up there (to where the picture is stuck ~ awkwardly on a box sitting on the storage shelf). I don't know why I looked up there today. 

Anyway, I had hand-drawn the picture some time in 2003, I think. When I was just entering the university. Looking at it reminded me of all the turmoils of life I was in back then ~ and how faithful God has been to me. I am reminded that He will always be faithful. His love will never fail. Christ, in whom I stand forgiven, will never fail.

Indeed, as Psalm 30:11-12 says: "Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; Thou hast loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness... that my soul may sing praise to Thee and not be silent. O Lord, my God...  I will give thanks to Thee forever."

It is because of Him I live on today, regardless. And in Christ, I will live on, come what may.

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