Thursday 25 July 2013

Wednesday: Heartwarming moments

What a tiring day. Physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.  ~ I am down. (Still enjoying classes though.)

Felt let down in a situation that involved certain people whom I trusted (and am trying to still trust). Hurt. Oh well, I must have needed to learn the lessons that I needed to learn. People will let you down. People will take you for granted. Be kind. You have made your mistakes too. And hurt people. You've been graciously forgiven. So just forgive and let it go. God knows.

God was yet gracious to lift up my soul through other happenings throughout the day. 

Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down...

First, Gaurri kindly washed my coffee-cup for me so that I wouldn't have to waste any time doing it myself - and so that I could spend 10 minutes with her before my class resumed (after chapel). In her words, "Huh? You don't want to talk to me because you want to wash your cup? I wash for you la...."

Lunched with friends at Dari Cafe. Six of us. I think I was the quietest at the table. But nobody minded, haha. *Grateful* Reconnected with some ministry partners after lunch too.

Taught piano in the afternoon. One of the kids happily said (while I was trying to imply gently to her that she needed to play more mindfully - as opposed to mindlessly), "I love talking... talking is so nice." (No, she was not being sarcastic.) That caught me by surprise, and my heart was strangely warmed *COUGH*. Anyway, I was happy that she had found the pep talk so helpful. She even took the initiative to summarise the pep talk - just so that I would know... that she had understood me perfectly! Told me why it's bad to play mindlessly too. Good girl. And she's only 6.

Another kid called her sisters in at the end of her class while I was playing her a simple piece (for a treat - since she had been unusually attentive). In the middle of my playing, she exclaimed, "What is that? So nice!" Dashed out of the room excitedly and dragged her sisters in, saying, "Come and see! Come and see!" The three girls stood there in their curls and pink tights, wide-eyed while I played. And then they jumped up and down around me like... monkeys around a bunch of bananas! (Hopefully not like the Israelites around the golden calf!) Such enthusiasm. Such simple faith in their teacher. They made me so ashamed of myself for thinking that the piece was "nothing much". Heartwarming much.

Last but not least, seeing Ben home from work was a relief. He pulled my leg a little - and I felt much better (even though I'm still more down than uppity-up). I've got a wonderful husband indeed.

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