Friday 26 July 2013

On a Thursday night ~ and messy meat

I'm typing this while listening to a recording of Prokofiev's Sinfonia Concertante in E minor, Op. 125. So heart-wrenching and fascinating.

Graf (Emanuel) is on the cello. The instrument is alive in his hands, yielding to his magic. It speaks a rich, velvety legato. Honest, warm and emotional. The tender vibrations resonate with some part of my inner person. Delightful indeed. 

Friday is on its way. Thanks to my MIL's gift of coupons, it's a little retail therapy for me after I'm done with classes and all. Hurray!

Anyway, a half-amusing observation I made today: I realised that every time this particular person sits beside me during luncheon... it would be on a day when they serve us messy meat ~ a.k.a. whatever meat that messes up your mouth and gets stuck in between your teeth (pardon me for being gross). The other time, it was a mysterious, chewy meat with dark, starchy gravy and sesame seeds. Gave us a jaw workout, that one. Haha. Today, it was curry chicken, not deboned. It would have been fine if we did not talk with our mouths full. However, this person often perseveres in asking me questions (that require answers) while I am wrestling the meat with my front teeth ~ and then he watches me expectantly for a response.


How is one supposed to look pretty if you make her talk while she's working her teeth on messy meat? Even if you are fine with me talking to you with my mouth full, my lips glistening with messy meat sauce, and my teeth looking like... never mind ~ I AM NOT! To not look pretty while eating is a big no-no for me. :P

I should try sitting next to another introvert the next time they serve us messy meat.

Oh well, TGIF.

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