Monday 12 August 2013

Back from KL

Went home to visit my side of the family ~ thanks to the hubby's arrangement and effort (thanks, darling!) ~

Trip was very short but good. I spent a lot of time with Zoey and dad, ate loads (especially junkfood and dessert ~ feel so sick now ~ will have to restart my health-project tomorrow), slept loads (napped every afternoon), walked in 3 malls, and etc. Wishing that I could be in Mae Sai with the rest of my family next week to celebrate little brother's 3rd birthday ~ but oh well. 

We're back in Penang now. The air is definitely cleaner up north. Met up with brother-in-law for dinner ~ and the night fell. Monday is here. I've got to go back to keeping my nose to the grindstone with regard to work, sermon prep and a lot of other stuff that lurk at the back of my mind and make me so unsettled. Please kindly keep me in prayer. I am in need of a lot of grace, strength, courage and the like.

Those who constantly text to encourage... I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you as you have blessed me. 

Have a good week ahead, folks!

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