Thursday 5 September 2013

Another Wednesday

Felt a little strange not having to teach those three roti babi lovers anymore. (I blogged on last week's roti babi incident here.)

Oh well, I think they will love their new teacher. 

As for me, I was out the whole day - working on other stuff and meeting people. It was a little harder than I thought it would be - because I wasn't too well. Ulcer on tongue, a mild infection somewhere around my tonsils (and I am to sing the second soprano's parts this Friday for a charity concert), a whacked up appetite, waves of nausea and such. Furthermore, the people-appointment that I attended was humbling. I had to confess honestly that I couldn't afford whatever they were trying to sell me. While they looked as sympathetic as they could, I sensed their disappointment and disbelief. Like what? How can she not be able to afford it? LOL. Couldn't wait to go home at the end of the day. Arrived home, a little sad, soaked from the rain and shivering. Hubby was very sweet and kind to drive out in the rainy darkness to bring home some steaming hot sup ayam from the nearby mamak stall - just to cheer me up. Touched and grateful, I am.

Random thought of the day:

It always encourages me when my well-respected lecturers tell me that my academic papers read well. That they enjoyed reading the papers and so on.

On the other hand...

I re-read one of such papers that I wrote sometime this year - and I didn't feel like I wrote it, because I found it a little hard to understand at first. It didn't feel like my usual style; I could picture, fairly, an ancient, white-haired man writing it (You must be glad that I don't talk like that in real life)... and the arguments were so astounding. I don't know how I managed to refer to so many references - and interact with them too. If only I wrote like that back in med school!

And so, I don't think I could have written the paper - if not for God's inspiration. It is because of Him that I have had the courage to attempt so many crazy papers - and nailed them too. Perhaps, this is one of His send-her-to-the-seminary purposes for me - so that He could mould me into a courageous writer for the cause of His Kingdom.

It has been stressful but fun and fulfilling. Thank You, God!

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