Tuesday 3 September 2013

Facial expressions

The things people observe about me that crack me up when I discover them...

Anyway, Ben and I were at a seminary lecturer's lovely flat for tea this evening. A rather unconventional tea ~ with a pomelo, sourish mangoes and a little chocolate. I don't know how we ended up talking about my facial expressions - but yeah, we did.

(Of note, my husband often tells me to watch my facial expressions, because they give me and my emotions/thoughts away too easily. I could offend somebody unknowingly. And perhaps, get my ears boxed. Haha.)

"You must be terribly amused at all these mental images in your head... I wonder what. Sometimes, I catch the corners of your mouth twitching in my class... like you badly want to laugh but you sort of want to keep it in." Mr. Observant imitated me the best he could. It was the funniest sight.

"What!?" I gasped, amidst sheepish laughter. "I do?"

I tried to remember what went on inside my head during his classes. 

"Hah! You think you are the only observant one? (Because I enjoy telling him that he's worn the same t-shirt x-times on Y-day in z-consecutive weeks) I observe all my students as well!" Mr. Observant looked very pleased with himself.

Eleh, eleh....

And so, I have resolved to master the art of poker face.

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