Thursday, 21 November 2013

17 weeks

Arrived in Penang this afternoon after my lovely vacation came to a happy end. (How could it not? After I had chunky chocolate chip cookie and brewed Earl Grey tea at the airport prior to flying home too!)

Home sweet home. 

Thanking God that my cold is nearly naught. Goodbye congestion and cough! I am also thankful for the good rest my week in Singapore has afforded me, much reading done and some plans to keep me busy till May. Hmm, I think that I am even ready to begin working on my DOGAC papers for December's submission now.

Well then, we're at 17 weeks now. I am not that big yet; how pregnant I look depends on the clothes I wear. Apart from my pallor and strange eating habits, you'd hardly notice; or if you didn't know, you'd hardly want to suggest it just in case I got offended and boxed your ears. Of course I won't. Nevertheless, some kind and brave people have offered me their seats on the MRT. The first time it happened, I was astonished and confused, being so used to standing whenever the trains are full. And then, it dawned upon me...


After thanking the person, I sat down embarrassed but grateful.


Unknown said...

I would love to follow your blog, congrats on your baby!! But I can't find a follow button or join this site button..

Grace Melody said...

Thanks, Cassie! :) As for following, I think only those who are on Blogger are able to follow. Unfortunately.