Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Singapore Day 6

The weekend was filled with simple but good things... A lot of sleep and time spent at home (and thus, recovery from my cold made good progress); reading; a dear friend's cooking (for possibly one of the most appreciative and willing guinea pigs in the world); walks, talks and light rain; seeing, smelling and patting flowers (at Gardens By the Bay); and some connecting with the hubby back in Penang.

Wanting to get in touch with my Every Nation family as well as to indulge my constant pining for the comfort afforded by some sort of "home" coming and by reliving beautiful memories of my time at EN Dublin, I visited Every Nation Singapore on Sunday. I know that many years have passed by. I have changed - or rather, grown up much since I left Ireland. Participating in EN's worship service, re-experiencing chunks of the culture I was used to (obviously, EN Sgp isn't entirely identical to EN Dublin; no two congregations can ever be the same) and doing so as a changed and more seasoned person brought me to wonder... why things did not feel as familiar as I had expected. It isn't a bad thing though, this unfamiliarity. Rather, I realised that perhaps I might have taken many implications of EN's goal to reach "every nation in our generation" for granted in the past. Anyway, this is just a little musing on my part. I am sorry if you fell asleep reading this paragraph! Oh, wake up again, please...

Monday: Had lunch with Aunty ML (a dear spiritual mom and one whom I look up to as a life mentor, who has supported me through my years in the seminary) and her beautiful daughter, Natalie, at a dimsum place in Ion Orchard. (I recall with amusement that we also ate dimsum the last time I saw Nat.) Lunch was followed by coffee over our lively chat about babies, boys, girls and etc. I loved it! Blessed and refreshed me, they did. And Aunty ML always inspires me to be prayerful, godly woman too. I don't think she realises how much she has discipled me in the years past. I think I could safely say that I shall be eternally grateful for her. For everything.

God, thank You for loving me through Aunty.

I will be sorry to leave Singapore in a day's time.

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