Monday, 11 November 2013

At long last... is down to just one more Lent article to write.

I honestly wonder if the articles I wrote are adequate. Or too meaty. Or if I sidetracked too much. A thousand apologies if I did. The final one is the hardest to write (I left it till I got the rest nailed down, pretty much) - and therefore, I am hoping that 2 days would be enough... to think, procrastinate, write and polish the rest of the articles before their submission.

Thanking God that my flu is clearing up - and that I'm no longer coughing away from post-nasal drip. It would be nice if my nose wasn't so congested while I'm sleeping though. It takes me at least 30 minutes to fall asleep every night, due to the discomfort and breathlessness. But still, I'm glad that I'm on the mend. If you've been praying for me, thanks a bunch - and may God bless you!

Also, I'm thanking God for a beautiful favour someone did for me (wordlessly too) out of kindness and compassion. It was unexpected and yet needed (although I wouldn't have admitted it). You did not think that I would realise what you did - but I do and am truly grateful - not only for the favour but also, your friendship and love. I hope that I might be an encouragement to you as much as you have been one to me. If you are reading this... thank you, dear friend. :')

(One thing I like about my own blog... haha... is that I've "written" so many thank you notes, which make me grateful all over again when I re-read them in the future. I remember those gifts/favours/blessings and special people and feel richly blessed.)

The weekend is over. A wonderful week lies ahead. I look forward to arriving in Singapore on Wednesday.

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