Friday, 8 November 2013

Graduation over

Thanks, DK for tagging me in this!
Well then, below are some of the random photos that my PAPArazzi took.

Was so exhausted from my flu and long day that I looked dazed in all the photos. (I promise... it's not from my years in the seminary!) And yes, I forgot to take my collar out from beneath the cape after the awards ceremony. :P So geeky.

My dear parents-in-law, hubby and my little sister

Is it just me or there's something about mothers... that every time they see you after a while, they think that you've grown thinner? Because my mother-in-law thinks that I have lost weight, while preggers too.

1 comment:

Zoey said...

not just her, I also think you look thinner, what with the flu n appetite..hope you recover soon!