Wednesday, 6 November 2013

One more sleep to graduation

Just for the record.

I am not really that excited about the ceremony itself. Having a flu makes everything seem bland. Or is this a sign that I'm turning into a professional student?

I am more excited about seeing my family again. Dad didn't make it to the previous graduation in 2011, so it would be awesome to have him at this year's graduation. I wouldn't have come this far if it weren't for his support and blessings as a father.

It has been quite a pleasant and restful public holiday for me. My superman hubby was home and kindly spared me the housework. Made a tasty beef stew for dinner too - one of the best comfort foods for a sick person, in my opinion. As for me, I was so drowsy that I napped throughout the day and didn't get much done, save reading the Bible. (Reminder to self: you have only one more week left to finish writing 3 articles. Please do not procrastinate!)

Indeed, God has been gracious and merciful to me. I shall lie down and sleep (again) with gratitude.

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